3COMUTIL -------- 3NAME2LM is a simple utility designed to help administrators migrate 3+Name user accounts to LAN Manager. 3NAME2LM is an OS/2 program that reads information from a 3+Name account database and writes its output to STDOUT in .CMD file format. This .CMD file contains NET USER and NET GROUP commands, so it can be run on a LM domain controller to add the accounts to the LM UAS database. Given the numerous factors involved in migrating user accounts from 3+Name to LM, we realized that writing an account migration utility that is both general-purpose and all-encompassing is not feasible. For example, because 3+Name user names can be longer than LM user names, there is no simple, straightforward way to migrate such names. As such, we have employed a two-step approach to the problem. The first step, which is automated, is to read as much information as possible from 3+Name and convert it to a format that is useful in an LM context (an OS/2 batch script containing NET commands). The second step, which is administrator-driven, is to examine the output of the first step, modify it as necessary, and run the resulting script. Note: Since there are some differences in the way groups are handled in 3+Open and LM 2.x, users in multiple groups will end up on the LM system only in the group corresponding to the users' privilege level (which must be ADMINS, USERS or GUESTS). Please submit both bug reports and feature requests to Microsoft. Usage ===== 3NAME2LM [switches] Valid switches: /? or /HELP - Displays a usage message. /PASSWORD:string - Uses as the password for all migrated accounts. /QUIET - Don't display status messages. Accounts are read from the 3+Name domain to which the user is currently logged on (with LOGON2). 3NAME2LM writes its output to STDOUT. As such, it is likely that you will want to redirect its output to a command file, e.g. 3NAME2LM > 3migrate.cmd User Name Conversion ==================== The following strategy is used by 3NAME2LM to convert 3+Name user names to LM user names: 1. Check to see if the 3+Name user has property 260 (LAN Man user name) defined. This property is used in conjunction with the version of LOGON (and LOGON2) that is part of the Microsoft Upgrade Toolkit for 3Com Networks, Release 2. If so, use the value of this property as the LM user name. Otherwise, go to step 2. 2. Check to see if a 3+Name alias that is LM-compliant (i.e., at most, 15 characters in length and no spaces) has been defined for this 3+Name user. If so, use this alias as the LM user name. Otherwise, go to step 3. 3. Truncate the name to 15 characters, and replace each space with an underscore. Group Name Conversion ===================== Group name conversion is done using steps 2 and 3 of user name conversion. Limitations =========== 1. 3+Name passwords are not migrated. If a /PASSWORD switch is specified, the specified string is used as the password for all LM accounts. If it is not specified, the first eight characters of LM user name are used for each account. 2. Home directories are not migrated. 3. Inter-domain and inter-organization group memberships are not migrated.